Funny Remake Movie of Chronicles of Narnia

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Some films are better left untouched: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sixteen Candles, anything past Alfred Hitchcock. Simply what about those movies that become improve with the latest in cinematic engineering science? Instead of focusing on the worst moving-picture show remakes (and believe united states of america—there are quite a few) we decided to round up some of our favorite remakes. From the star-studded (and dashing) cast of the new Ocean's Eleven to the sweet hilarity of Lindsay Lohan as look-akin twins in The Parent Trap, these flicks definitely deserved a 2nd take.

Freaky Friday

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A mother and daughter inadvertently switch bodies in this comedy archetype. Jodie Foster'south spunky cuteness as teen tyrant Annabel in the original is hard to replicate, merely Lindsay Lohan gets information technology right as the pint-sized punk rocker Anna in the remake. Jamie Lee Curtis likewise gives a stellar functioning equally Anna'due south female parent, Tess. Plus, it's a timeless premise: While the details may modify, mother/daughter angst and the foibles that come with the generation gap between teens and their parents will always be relevant, relatable and funny—whether it'south 1976 or 2003.
Photo: Walt Disney Films


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The original Hairspray pic, released in 1988, was directed past John Waters, then the story of Tracy Turnblad, a teen whose ultimate dream is to perform on the Corny Collins Dance Show, is infused with his quirky charm. It'due south likewise hard to beat a cast that includes Debbie Harry, Ricki Lake and Sonny Bono. Simply Adam Shankman did a good job keeping the 2007 version endearing—consummate with outrageous musical numbers and the ultimate lesson about equality and common respect. Besides, who can resist seeing John Travolta in a dress?
Photograph: © 2007 David James / New Line Cinema

The Departed

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Martin Scorsese'due south 2006 remake of the Hong Kong gangster film Infernal Affairs packs a dial with a powerful cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen and Alec Baldwin all lend their on-screen prowess. In add-on to the new cast, The Departed replaces the Triads with an Irish-American offense organization and moves the location to Boston, Massachusetts, for a twist-filled thriller that keeps y'all guessing until the very last scene.
Photo: Andrew Cooper WB

Ocean's Eleven

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It takes a lot to outdo the legendary 1960s Rat Pack stars of Sea's Xi, but Steven Soderbergh took information technology upwardly a notch when he cast Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Andy Garcia, Matt Damon, Bernie Mac and Julia Roberts in his 2001 remake. In this comedic movie virtually robbing casinos, Danny Ocean must pull off the biggest crime in Las Vegas history while winning back the heart of his ex-love Tess.
Photo: Warner Brothers

The Thomas Crown Affair

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The 1999 remake of this art heist moving picture gives some clever nods to the 1968 original, including casting Faye Dunaway (who starred every bit Vicki Anderson contrary Steve McQueen's Crown in the original) every bit the psychiatrist. Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo accept over the title roles—making a gorgeous pair that constantly tries to outsmart each other until the stolen painting is recovered.
Photograph: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

The Italian Job

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The 1969 original starring Michael Caine and Noel Coward was cool, but the 2003 version took information technology to a whole new level, with a cast that includes Marker Wahlberg, Charlize Theron and Edward Norton. Similar the original, the newer version features Mini Cooper cars (32 in all!), but these babies are souped up, including two that were peculiarly built with electric power for the subway scene of the car hunt.
Photo: Copyright © Paramount Pictures

King Kong

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Everybody loves this famous 25-foot gorilla—even if he does terrorize New York and snatch upwardly frightened ladies—and then information technology'southward just natural that the kitschy-cool remake of the 1933 picture show would exist a blockbuster that garnered critical acclamation. Naomi Watts is fabulous every bit Ann Darrow, the vaudeville performer who befriends Kong, and Jack Blackness can't help being hilarious in his role as the financially—and morally—bankrupt film director Carl Denham.
Photograph: Copyright © Universal Pictures

3:ten to Yuma

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Russell Crowe stars as the renowned outlaw Ben Wade in this remake of the 1957 Western of the same name. Joined past an all-star cast that includes Christian Bale, Ben Foster, Peter Fonda and Gretchen Mol, the flick takes you on an intense journey to get Crowe on the fateful 3:10 train to Yuma Territorial Prison.
Photograph: Copyright © Lions Gate Films

The Parent Trap

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Hayley Mills was unforgettable as identical twins Sharon and Susan in the 1961 Disney original, but Lindsay Lohan stars in the 1998 redux, playing the characters (renamed Hallie and Annie) with a beautiful, refreshing twist. The remake, which also features endearing performances past Natasha Richardson and Dennis Quaid equally the twins' parents, is but equally heartwarming as the original, but updated for today's audience.
Photograph: Walt Disney Pictures

Father of the Helpmate

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The hilarious remake, released in 1991, has become a comedy classic. Steve Martin lends his comedic genius as George Banks, whose 22-twelvemonth-old daughter is driving him crazy with her impending—and expensive!—wedding. The 1950 original, starring Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett and Elizabeth Taylor, is also a must-see, and both films were followed up with sequels.
Photo: Touchstone

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